Crow Knight: Waltz Of The KNight Mac OS

broken image

Flash Flash Revolution Rhythm and Music Games. 2,607 songs to play! 5,364 players currently online! 347,076 arrows smashed today! 2,042,250 members and growing! Server Time: February 12th, 04:42:05 AM. It was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on March 16, 2010, in North America, March 18 in Europe, and March 19 in the United Kingdom, and for the Mac OS X on August 31, 2010. It was later bundled with Origins and various DLC packs as Dragon Age: Origins – Ultimate Edition, released on October 26, 2010. The Knights of the Forest was an 1863 secret society that formed in Mankato, MN, during the aftermath of the U.S.-Dakota War. They took an oath to advocate for the banishment of 'all Indians' from the state of Minnesota. But newspaper articles written by and about four members show that the organization was only concerned with the exile of the Ho-Chunk people, who had not participated in. Free Apps for Android can be found in the Role Playing Games category. The most interesting apps are Avenger, Castle of Shadows 2.0, Andor's Trail, Avatar Fight, Gurk. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. Two-episode, four-hour film will feature interviews with Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Dave Grohl, and more.

MAC (1979-1989) | MAC (1990-Present) | HISTORY of PC |

It all started in 1979 when Jef Raskin, an Apple employee, wanted to make an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer. In September 1979, Raskin was given permission to start on the project. He put together a team of people, partially pictured to the right, that consisted of Chris Espinosa, Joanna Hofman, George Crow, Jerry Manock, Susan Kare, and Andy Hertzfeld. Bill Atkinson, a member of the Lisa team, introduced Jef Raskin to Burrell Smith, a service technician who was hired earlier that year. (Kelby 2002)

Smith built the first Macintosh board according to Raskin's specifications: 64K of RAM, Motorola 6809E microprocessor, and had the ability to support a 256x256 B&W white bitmap display. By December 1980, Smith was able to design a board that utilized 68000 and had the capacity to support a 384x256 bitmap display. This design used few RAM chips than Lisa, the other computer that was being developed by Apple, and was mych cheaper. The final Mac design was self-contained and had a non-expandable 128 kilobyts of RAM. This design caught the eye of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. Jobs realized the Macintosh was more marketable than Lisa so he focused his attentions on the new system. Raskin left in 1981 due to personality differences with Jobs. Jobs, hearing about a new graphics user interface being developed at Xerox, traded Apple stock options to see the GUI. After his visit to Xerox, Jobs hired Harmut Esslinger to work on the Macintosh line. Jobs' leadership at Apple ended in 1985 when there was an internal power struggle with Apple's CEO John Sculley. Jobs went on to found the company NeXT. (Kawaski 1989)

Crow Knight: Waltz Of The KNight Mac OS

On January 24, 1984, the Macintosh was released for a retail price of $2,495.00. It was bundled with two useful programs designed to show off its interface: MacWrite and MacPaint. Because the machine was entirely designed around the GUI, existing text-mode and command-driven programs had to be redesigned and rewritten. It was a challenging undertaking that many software developers shied away from, which initially led to a lack of software for the new system. Many users, accustomed to the arcane world of command lines, labeled the Mac a 'toy computer'.(Kelby 2004)

'In 1985, the combination of the Mac and its graphical user interface with Aldus Pagemaker, a desktop publishing program, and Apple's LaserWriter printer enabled a low-cost solution for designing and previewing printed material, an activity that came to be known as desktop publishing. However, the limitations of the first Mac soon became clear: It had very little memory, even compared to other personal computers in 1984, and could not be expanded easily; it lacked a hard drive or any means to attach one easily. Although by 1985 the Mac's base memory had increased to 512 KB, and it was possible, albeit inconvenient, to expand the memory of a 128 KB Mac, Apple realized that the Mac needed to be improved. The result was the Macintosh Plus, released in 1986. It offered one megabyte of RAM, expandable to four, and a then-revolutionary SCSI parallel interface, allowing up to seven peripherals, such as hard drives and scanners, to be attached to the machine. Its floppy drive was increased to 800 kilobyte capacity. The Plus was an immediate success and remained in production for four years. (Kelby 2002)

Other issues remained, particularly low processor speed and limited graphics ability, which had hobbled the Mac's ability to make inroads into the business computing market. Updated Motorola CPUs made a faster machine possible, and in 1987, Apple took advantage of the new Motorola technology, and introduced the Macintosh II, which utilized a 16-MHz Motorola 68020 processor. It had an open architecture with several expansion slots, and it supported color graphics. Along with the Mac II, the Macintosh SE was released, the first compact Mac with an expansion slot. The SE shared some of the II's aesthetics, such as its new ergonomic mouse and keyboard. (Kelby 2002)

The release of Microsoft Windows 3.0, widely seen as the first version of Windows to actually challenge the Mac, was released in May 1990, and it created an usable and cheaper alternative to the Macintosh platform. Apple's response was a range of inexpensive Macs introduced on October 1990. The Macintosh Classic, essentially a cheaper version of the Macintosh SE, sold for a price of $999, making it the cheapest Mac until the release of the Mac mini. The 68020-powered Macintosh LC in its distinctive 'pizza box' case was available for $1800, offered color graphics, and a low-cost 512×384-pixel monitor was launched to accompany it. The Macintosh IIsi, essentially a 20-MHz IIci with only one expansion slot, cost $2500. All three machines sold very well, although Apple's profit margin was considerably lower than on earlier machines. (Herzfeld 2004)

In 1992 Apple started to sell low-end Macs called Performa through non-traditional dealers. At Apple dealers, a mid-range version of the Quadra series called the Macintosh Centris was offered, only to be quickly renamed Quadra when buyers became confused by the range of Classics, LCs, IIs, Quadras, Performas, and Centrises. As well as releasing several new Macintosh products, Apple also unveiled the miniaturized PowerBook Duo range. It was intended to be docked to a base station for desktop-like functionality while at the workplace. The last PowerBook Duo was dropped from the Apple product line in early 1997. (Campbell=Kelly 1996)

The next evolutionary step in Macintosh CPUs was a switch to the RISC PowerPC architecture developed by the AIM alliance of Apple Computer, IBM, and Motorola from 1991 onward The Power Macintosh line proved to be incredibly successful, with over one million units sold by late-1994, three months before Apple's one-year goal. The same year, Apple also released the second-generation PowerBook models, the PowerBook 500 series, which introduced the then-novel trackpad.


On January 24, 1984, the Macintosh was released for a retail price of $2,495.00. It was bundled with two useful programs designed to show off its interface: MacWrite and MacPaint. Because the machine was entirely designed around the GUI, existing text-mode and command-driven programs had to be redesigned and rewritten. It was a challenging undertaking that many software developers shied away from, which initially led to a lack of software for the new system. Many users, accustomed to the arcane world of command lines, labeled the Mac a 'toy computer'.(Kelby 2004)

'In 1985, the combination of the Mac and its graphical user interface with Aldus Pagemaker, a desktop publishing program, and Apple's LaserWriter printer enabled a low-cost solution for designing and previewing printed material, an activity that came to be known as desktop publishing. However, the limitations of the first Mac soon became clear: It had very little memory, even compared to other personal computers in 1984, and could not be expanded easily; it lacked a hard drive or any means to attach one easily. Although by 1985 the Mac's base memory had increased to 512 KB, and it was possible, albeit inconvenient, to expand the memory of a 128 KB Mac, Apple realized that the Mac needed to be improved. The result was the Macintosh Plus, released in 1986. It offered one megabyte of RAM, expandable to four, and a then-revolutionary SCSI parallel interface, allowing up to seven peripherals, such as hard drives and scanners, to be attached to the machine. Its floppy drive was increased to 800 kilobyte capacity. The Plus was an immediate success and remained in production for four years. (Kelby 2002)

Other issues remained, particularly low processor speed and limited graphics ability, which had hobbled the Mac's ability to make inroads into the business computing market. Updated Motorola CPUs made a faster machine possible, and in 1987, Apple took advantage of the new Motorola technology, and introduced the Macintosh II, which utilized a 16-MHz Motorola 68020 processor. It had an open architecture with several expansion slots, and it supported color graphics. Along with the Mac II, the Macintosh SE was released, the first compact Mac with an expansion slot. The SE shared some of the II's aesthetics, such as its new ergonomic mouse and keyboard. (Kelby 2002)

The release of Microsoft Windows 3.0, widely seen as the first version of Windows to actually challenge the Mac, was released in May 1990, and it created an usable and cheaper alternative to the Macintosh platform. Apple's response was a range of inexpensive Macs introduced on October 1990. The Macintosh Classic, essentially a cheaper version of the Macintosh SE, sold for a price of $999, making it the cheapest Mac until the release of the Mac mini. The 68020-powered Macintosh LC in its distinctive 'pizza box' case was available for $1800, offered color graphics, and a low-cost 512×384-pixel monitor was launched to accompany it. The Macintosh IIsi, essentially a 20-MHz IIci with only one expansion slot, cost $2500. All three machines sold very well, although Apple's profit margin was considerably lower than on earlier machines. (Herzfeld 2004)

In 1992 Apple started to sell low-end Macs called Performa through non-traditional dealers. At Apple dealers, a mid-range version of the Quadra series called the Macintosh Centris was offered, only to be quickly renamed Quadra when buyers became confused by the range of Classics, LCs, IIs, Quadras, Performas, and Centrises. As well as releasing several new Macintosh products, Apple also unveiled the miniaturized PowerBook Duo range. It was intended to be docked to a base station for desktop-like functionality while at the workplace. The last PowerBook Duo was dropped from the Apple product line in early 1997. (Campbell=Kelly 1996)

The next evolutionary step in Macintosh CPUs was a switch to the RISC PowerPC architecture developed by the AIM alliance of Apple Computer, IBM, and Motorola from 1991 onward The Power Macintosh line proved to be incredibly successful, with over one million units sold by late-1994, three months before Apple's one-year goal. The same year, Apple also released the second-generation PowerBook models, the PowerBook 500 series, which introduced the then-novel trackpad.

By 1995, Microsoft and Intel were threatening Apple's market by introducing Windows 95 and the Pentium processor. Both products enhanced the multimedia capability of the PC significantly, and quickly began to erode the Mac's market share. In response, Apple started the Macintosh clone program in order to regain its foothold in the desktop computer market. This program lasted until August 1997 when negotiations between Apple and the clone makers to extend the licensing agreement broke down. (Hertzfeld 2004)

In 1998, a year after Steve Jobs had returned to the company, Apple introduced a new all-in-one Macintosh similar to the original Macintosh 128K: the iMac, a new design that did away with most Apple standard connections like SCSI and ADB in favor of two USB ports. While technically not very impressive, it featured an innovative new design - its translucent plastic case, originally Bondi blue and white, and later many other colors, is considered a industrial design hallmark of the late-90s. The iMac proved to be phenomenally successful, with 800,000 units sold in 1998, making the company an annual profit of $309 million - Apple's first profitable year since Michael Spindler took the position of CEO of the company in 1995. The Power Macintosh was redesigned along similar lines. (Hertzfeld 2004)

From 1999 onwards, Apple introduced a new operating system called Mac OS X Server to replace the aging Mac OS, with a GUI (hailed by fans of the products), and powerful Unix underpinnings. Mac OS X was based on NeXTSTEP, the operating system developed by Steve Jobs' post-Apple company NeXT. It was not released to the public until 2001 with the Mac OS X public beta.

In the summer of 1999, Apple introduced the iBook, a new consumer level portable Macintosh that was designed to be similar in appearance to the iMac introduced a year earlier. Six weeks after the iBook's unveiling, more than 140,000 orders had been placed, and by October the computer was as much a sales hit as the iMac. Apple continued to add new products to their lineup, such as the eMac and Power Mac G5. On January 11, 2005, Apple announced the Mac mini with a price of US$499, the first Macintosh ever released for less than US$500. (Hertzfeld 2004)

In recent years Apple has seen a significant boost in sales of Macintoshes largely due to the success of the iPod. The iPod digital music players have brought awareness to the Macintosh line which hasn't been seen since after its original release in 1984. From 2001 to 2005 Macintosh sales increased continuously on an annual basis, caused in part by the iPod 'Halo Ring' effect (satisfied iPod owners seeking more Apple merchandise). On October 11, 2005 Apple released their fourth quarter results, reporting shipment of 1,236,000 Macintoshes - a 48% increase from the same quarter the previous year. Apple plans to switch from PowerPC microprocessors to microprocessors manufactured by Intel , there is a high possibility sales will temporarily decline as consumers wait to purchase products future Macintosh products. (Kahney 2004)

An early use of the term appeared in a November 3, 1962, New York Times article reporting John W. Mauchly's vision of future computing spoken to a meeting of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers that previous day. Mauchly told the gathering, 'There is no reason to suppose the average boy or girl cannot be master of a personal computer.'
The first computers that can be called 'personal' were the first non-mainframe computers, the LINC and the PDP-8. By today's standards they were big (about the size of a refrigerator), expensive (around $50,000 US), and had small magnetic core memories (about 4096 12-bit words for the LINC).

However, they were small enough and cheap enough for individual laboratories and research projects to use, freeing them from the batch processing and bureaucracy of the typical industrial or university computing center. In addition, they were moderately interactive and soon had their own operating systems. Eventually, this category became known as the mini-computer, usually with time-sharing and program development facilities. Eventually, the mini-computer grew up to encompass the VAX and larger mini-computers from Data General, Prime, and others. Deployment of mini-computer systems was a model for how personal computers would be used, but few of the mini-computer makers managed to profit from it.

Development of the single-chip microprocessor changed everything, since it dropped the cost of purchase of a computer by an order of magnitude or more. The first generation of microcomputers that started to appear in the mid 1970s (see home computers) were less powerful and in some ways less versatile than business computers of the day (but in other ways more versatile, in terms of built-in sound and graphics capabilities), and were generally used by computer enthusiasts for learning to program, for running simple office/productivity applications, for electronics interfacing, and/or games, as well as for accessing BBS's, general online services such as CompuServe, The Source, or Genie, or platform-specific services such as Quantum Link (US) or Compunet (UK). (Campbell-Kelly 1996)

It was the launch of the VisiCalc spreadsheet, initially for the Apple II and later for the Atari 8-bit family, Commodore PET, and IBM PC that became the 'killer app' that turned the microcomputer into a business tool. Later, Lotus 1-2-3, a combined spreadsheet (partly based on VisiCalc), presentation graphics, and simple database application, became the PCs own killer app. Little cells (itch) mac os. Good word processor programs also appeared for many home computers. The low cost of personal computers led to great popularity in the home and business markets during the 1980s. In 1982, Time magazine named the personal computer its Man of the Year. (Campbell-Kelly 1996)

During the 1990s, the power of personal computers increased radically, blurring the formerly sharp distinction between personal computers and multi-user computers such as mainframes. Today higher-end computers often distinguish themselves from personal computers by greater reliability or greater ability to multitask, rather than by straight CPU power.'
RAND company's model of the predicted home computer in 2004:
S O U R C E S (for whole site)
Hertzfeld, Andy (2004), Revolution in the Valley, O'Reilly Books
Kahney , Leander (2004), The Cult of Mac, No Starch Press
Linzmayer, Owen (2004), Apple Confidential 2.0, No Starch Press
Kelby, Scott (2002), Macintosh.. The Naked Truth, New Riders Press
Kawasaki, Guy (1989), The Macintosh Way, Scott Foresman Trade
Campbell-Kelly, Martin (1996) Computer : a history of the information machine, Basic Books
Ceruzzi, Paul(1998) A history of modern computing, J. Wiley & Sons
Goldberg, Adele (1988) A History of personal workstations, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Bellis, Mary (1996) Inventors of the Modern Computer;
Knight, Dan (2000) Mac History: 1984;
Keizer, Gregg (2004) Busting the Biggest PC Myths;,aid,116572,pg,1,00.asp
Francois, Joseph (2004) Mac vs. PC, a small cost comparison experiment
(2005) Mac Myths

July 2002

  • OS X Maintenance Program fallsshort, Dan Knight, MacInSchool, 07.31. The Mac OS XMaintenance Program does nothing for individual users or organizationswith less than 10 Macs.
  • Website automation with PHP and MySQL,part 15, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 07.31. A little more linkautomation - and frustrating problems with documentation andthe imap_open function.
  • Fear and loathing in Redmond,Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 07.31. How StarOffice for OS X couldstrengthen Apple and Sun while reducing dependence on Microsoft.
  • A Runtime Revolution for Linux andthe Mac OS, Jason Walsh, PPC Linux, 07.31. Runtime Revolutionbrings the promise of write once multimedia to Linux, Windows,OS X, and the classic Mac OS.
  • Apple's retail upswing, SteveWatkins, The Practical Mac, 07.30. Apple isn't just turning a profit -they're also retailing computers right.
  • News headlines other sites ignore,Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 07.30. Headlines you'll never see linked onthe major Mac news services.
  • Links and the changing Mac Web,Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 07.29. The importance of linking, and thechanging face of the Mac Web.
  • PPC Linux: The end?, JasonWalsh, PPC Linux, 07.29. PPC Linux resources - and the possible end ofthe road for the PPC Linux column.
  • Announcing .lowendmacservices, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 07.29. In response toone-price-for-all .mac, Low End Mac offers .lowendmac services onlow-end hardware for low-end prices.
  • Mac vs. PC platform passion,Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 07.26. Both Mac and PC users run therange from passion for their computing platform to indifference.
  • 60 GB laptop drive, stolen 'Booktrackers, Jaguar and OS X Up-To-Date, bargain 'Books, more, CharlesMoore, The 'Book Review, 07.26. Also laptop cooling, Drive 10, a hoodfor brightly lit conditions, ATA/FireWire upgrade kit, and e.Digital'siPod look alike Odyssey 1000.
  • Jobs capitulates on .mac,Jaguar, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 07.25. Apple to renew free iToolscommitment, broaden Jaguar base, still find ways to turn a profit.
  • The iTools bait and switch, JeffAdkins, Mac Lab Report, 07.25. How changing iTools to .mac underminesApple's presence in education.
  • Macs at work: Not just fordesigners, Jason Walsh, Mac Life, 07.25. Why Macs are found in theworkplace - and not just for graphics design work.
  • X Files, Dave Wardell,X-Basics, 07.24. How the Home folder in Mac OS X helps you betterorganize your work.
  • Hooked on Everything2, DirkPilat, Down But Not Out, 07.24. 'For the last couple of weeks, I havebeen seeing myself becoming helplessly drawn to the genialEverything2.'
  • iWhining about Jaguar, .mac fees,Eric Schwarz, The Power of Mac, 07.24. More thoughts on the value ofJaguar (OS X 10.2) and Apple's .mac services.
  • Website automation with PHP and MySQL,part 14, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 07.24. Modifying the waythe date is displayed and scheduling content for future release.
  • Open Letter to Steve Jobs about.mac, John Droz, Jr., My Turn, 07.23. Charging $100/year for iTools(.mac) will do nothing to increase Apple's market share - and couldhurt it.
  • Other charges Apple forgot to tell youabout, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 07.23. Debundling the keyboard,an optical mouse usage fee, charges to visit, and other userfees.
  • Pass the crow, please, SteveWatkins, The Practical Mac, 07.23. Last week's Expo predictionsrevisited. Some misses, but some home runs, too.
  • More feedback on the 'under God'controversy, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 07.23. Elevenmore readers share their thoughts, pro and con, on the 'under God'ruling and recent MR columns.
  • The Mac curmudgeon returns, EricSchwarz, The Power of Mac, 07.22. Jaguar overpriced for X users, and.mac undermines my faith in Apple.
  • Mozilla, WallStreets, 1400s, USB hubs,WordPerfect, free POP3 email, Sleep of Death, and more, CharlesMoore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 07.22. Mozilla on NuBus Power Macs;WallStreet 13.3' issues; USB, DVD on PB 1400; early iBooks and compactUSB hubs; free email accounts, more on the Sleep of Death, elitism, andmore.
  • Making Jaguar, .mac morepalatable, Daniel Jansen, My Turn, 07.22. How Apple could turn theJaguar and .mac fee lemon into lemonade.
  • Faster G4s coming some day, DanKnight, Mac Musings, 07.22. A look at Apple's track record in releasingfaster models and suggestions for clearing out the current G4inventory.
  • The 'Book Review 2002.07.19,Charles Moore. G4 upgrades for G3 PowerBooks, iCurve stand, USB hubsand drive, bargain 'Books, and more.
  • Free email becomes feemail, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 07.19. 'So the new businessplan is to give away email addresses, wait for people to becomedependent on them, and then start charging a yearly fee.'
  • Command key truth and fiction, JeffAdkins, Mac Lab Report, 07.18. A history of the Apple/command/splat keyand it's vast assortment of names.
  • Happy with the iBook, Kevin Webb,The Mac Webb, 07.18. In choosing whether to keep the iBook or TiBook,the smaller iBook won.
  • Is Jaguar worth $129, DanKnight, Expo Coverage, 07.18. There's no doubt that OS X 10.2 offers alot for $129, but is it enough to justify the price?
  • Macintosh community or cult?,Jason Walsh, Mac Life, 07.18. Is there really a Mac community, or arewe more cult-like?
  • Macworld NY 2002 keynoteaddress, Dan Knight, LEM Expo Coverage, 07.17. The latest word fromthe mothership.
  • Kiss iTools good-bye, DanKnight, Mac Musings, 07.17. Effective September 30, 2002, iDisk,HomePage, and your email will no longer be free.
  • Apple should follow Microsoft'ssuggestion, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 07.17. 'Microsoft haspretty much given Apple carte blanche to promote the living heck out ofOS X.'
  • The different world of Hong Kong,Andrew W. Hill, Aquatic Mac, 07.17. So many differences in Hong Kong -only the PowerBook 2400c seemed to really fit in.
  • Upgrading a blue and white G3,Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 07.17. Overclocking, CPU replacement, RAMupgrades, faster hard drives, and other options for the b&wG3.
  • OS X: The best of Amiga, Linux, andthe Mac OS, Ryan Callaghan, My First Mac, 07.17. 'I had alreadydecided that my next machine was going to be something completelyunable to run Windows..'
  • Microsoft nonsense, Dan Knight,Mac Musings, 07.16. Microsoft makes more money from Office on the Macthan Apple makes in a year. What have they got to complain about?
  • Jobs to shock Expo attendees,Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 07.16. You just know Steve is going to havesomething to surprise us with - but what?
  • Southwest to charge Mac usersdouble, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 07.16. After successfullycharging wide passengers for a second seat, Southwest Airlines targetsMac users.
  • Finding mods for your oldgames, Korin Hasegawa-John, Mac Daniel, 07.16. Favorite mods forUnreal Tournament and Marathon, plus a lot of other modificationresources.
  • Website automation with PHP and MySQL,part 13, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 07.16. Displaying thetime of the most recent site update and current prices for Apple stockautomatically.
  • 'Twas the night beforeMacworld, Steve Watkins, The Practical Mac, 07.16. Thoughts andpredictions - what we may see at the Macworld Expo.
  • Week's best CRT iMac deals, 07.16.No tray loading models, but Small Dog has some of the 700 MHz 'classic'iMacs in stock.
  • The Expo, new products, and rumorsites, Eric Schwarz, The Power of Mac, 07.15. Thoughts on rumorsites, Apple new product announcements, and this week's MacworldExpo.
  • Better computers and better users,Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 07.15. Mac users tend to bebetter educated, more Web savvy, and earn more than Windows folk.
  • G4 upgrades zoom past 500 MHz, DanKnight, Power Mac Page, 07.15. It's suddenly possible to move old PowerMacs and clones past 500 MHz, and to 800 MHz and 1 GHz in somecases.
  • Macs are the more sensible option,Adrian Carter, My First Mac, 07.15. After using Sinclairs, Ataris, andIntel PCs, the Mac became the sensible choice for MIDI, gaming, andnearly everything else.
  • Eric Schwarz's iBook, Eric Schwarz,Tools of the Trade, 07.15. A look at the hardware and software thatcomprises Eric Schwarz's tool of the trade.
  • Religion on the Mac Web, DanKnight, Mac Musings, 07.12. Religion is part of the Mac life. Why dosome find religious viewpoints on the Mac Web so offensive?
  • The 'Book Review 2002.07.12,Charles Moore. Locate a stolen 'Book, solid state USB data drives, aUSB fan, Battery Endurance Measurer, resetting the power manager,bargain 'Books, and much more.
  • Consistency, compatibility, and OSupgrades, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 07.12. Some systemupgrades are easier than others - and some add to the confusion.
  • Mods bring new life to oldgames, Korin Hasegawa-John, Mac Daniel, 07.12. Mods, plug-ins, andskins can remake Unreal Tournament, Quake III, the Marathon trilogy,and Escape Velocity as new games.
  • When quality isn't jobone, Per Klöfver, My Turn, 07.11. The software industry isplagued by bad quality. Maybe if hardware innovation slows, softwarecan catch up.
  • Why my 2400 is better than aniBook, Andrew W. Hill, Aquatic Mac, 07.11. The iBook is small, muchfaster, more affordable, and has far better battery life, but the 2400is smaller and more expandable.
  • Our passion for the Mac, JasonWalsh, Mac Life, 07.11. Why in the world are we so passionate about ourMacs?
  • Remembering Rodney, white folk in'Switch' ads, sticking it to PC users, and more, Jeff Adkins, MacLab Report, 07.11. A random collection of Mac-related thoughts onRodney, race, OS X, Emagic, and several other topics.
  • Overclocking the blue and whiteG3, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 07.10. How to overclock the b&wG3's CPU and gain 50 to 100 MHz more performance.
  • The blacklist brouhaha, DanKnight, Mac Musings, 07.10. At least eight sites have had press passespulled. How IDG could have avoided the whole mess.
  • A few more thoughts on the Sleep ofDeath, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 07.10. Four morereaders weigh in on the Mac OS 9/X Sleep of Death.
  • eMac test drive, SteveWatkins, The Practical Mac, 07.09. The G4, larger screen, andattractive price make the eMac a real alternative to the old CRTiMac.
  • Women in IT, G3 PowerBooks, Mac OS X,lots more, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 07.09. Women inIT; PowerBook G3, 1400, and 5300 concerns; OS X on WallStreet, driversfor non-Apple CD-ROMs, where to find WordPerfect, and doing what'sright.
  • Dvorak, PCs, and 'weird'switchers, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side, 07.09. Yes, Dvorak is right.Those people in the 'Switch' ads are a bit weird - and there's a goodreason for it.
  • OS X: More than just another Unixvariant, Zack Martin, My Turn, 07.08. Working with desktop Linuxcreates even more respect for what Apple has accomplished in MacOS X.
  • Guesses for MacworldExpo, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 07.08. Our best guessesat what Apple might introduce at the Expo.
  • Banned by Macworld, pro and con,Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 07.08. Is it really a bad thing if Appleis taking notice of your website?
  • Window XS and worlddomination, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 07.08. How XS will helpMicrosoft move from antitrust violations to complete worlddomination.
  • Blacklists, Quicklinks, and sitefinances, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 07.08. Thoughts on the Expoblacklist, a new Mac headline news service, and Low End Macfunding.
  • The 'Book Review 2002.07.05,Charles Moore. Chromium FireWire drive enclosure, world's smallest ACadapter for TiBook, updated case designs, USB-friendly router, and'Book deals from US$101.
  • The Joy of X with Classic, DanKnight, 10 Forward, 07.05. 'Mac users with the right hardware havelittle to lose and much to gain by running their favorite applicationsin Classic mode under OS X.'
  • The good, the bad, and theintrusive, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 07.05. Windows, BeOS,and the Mac OSes each have some good points and some bad ones.
  • Press Nazi says, 'No pass foryou', Chris Lawson, Tech Reflections, 07.05. Apple and IDGaggressively ban unwanted websites from press access, creating a lot ofill will on the Mac Web.
  • Overcapacity orunderutilization?, James Brock Clark, My Turn, 07.03. We have thetechnology to vastly improve communication, but too many resist change,preferring yesterday's solutions.
  • Website automation with PHP and MySQL,part 12, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 07.03. How Low End Macuses PHP and MySQL to track, sort, and display links to new sitecontent.
  • Turning the tables, one softwarecompany at time, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 07.03. Will acquiringEmagic bring Windows users into the fold or drive them to anothersolution?
  • Scattershots, Kevin Webb, The MacWebb, 07.03. What we might see at the Expo, thoughts on the 'Switch'campaign, the Mac product grid, and wonderful iPod service.
  • Same stuff, different pile?,Steve Watkins, The Practical Mac, 07.02. Are all computers pretty muchthe same, or does something still set Macs apart from the rest?
  • A month of VeriSign customerservice, Beverly Woods, Acoustic Mac, 07.02. 'Is this customerservice or information highway robbery?'
  • Bumper Snickers 3, Jeff Adkins,The Lite Side, 07.02. 'If your PC is so great, why do you cuss at it somuch?' and ten more.
  • Taking the Pledge, Charles W Moore,Miscellaneous Ramblings, 07.02. The Pledge of Allegiance, separation ofchurch and state, the role of religion, and the culture wars, includingover two dozen emails on the subject.
  • Macs, politics, religion, andrights, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 07.01. Why we will continue toshare our opinions on issues that are important to us, Mac-related andotherwise.
  • The underrated PowerBook 190,Heather Anne Hurd, My Turn, 07.01. How a seven-year-old PowerBookbecame a personal favorite.
  • XPress strikes back, AlanZisman, 07.01. Quark XPress 5.0 - heir apparent or too little, too latein comparison to InDesign 2.0?

Crow Knight: Waltz Of The Knight Mac Os 8

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